Friday, November 12, 2010


Yes i do like flash it is a great way to be created and it is a little hard at times but is a fun and great way to express yourself. The reason I like flash is because I love to play games.Flash is a program were you make games. I am making a math game  it was hard at times but i got through it i love the flash program it is a way to let people know how to be creative and have fun. Flash is relly cool I am glide I singed up for globlaria because it is really fun.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Adding Animation

How you add animation is you draw a picture and then right click then add frame the add keyframe then in the frame right click add  creat shape tween then movie.That is alll you do and if you want more info on adding animation go to the adding animation and whatch the video on adding animation.